How God Birthed Cadre Missionaries...

(September 2018 is Cadre Missionaries' 16th Anniversary. We're celebrating God's faithfulness with a little bit of backstory and an invitation for you to celebrate with us.)

About 17 years ago, I was a happy high school teacher who did speaking, preaching and training on the weekends and all summer long. In those days we partnered often with our dear friends, Scott and Rachel Kramer—who are amazing musical missionaries. 

One day while eating pizza at the Kramer's home, Scott pulled out a large box filled to the brim with envelopes. He said, "Bill, put your hands in here and feel how many envelopes are in this box." It was sort of weird, but, hey, he just bought my larger-than-normal family pizza. I'll do anything for a friend like that. I kneeled down by the box and put my hands at the very bottom of all those envelopes. Then I pulled up lots and lots of envelopes.

Then Scott said, "We've been raising support as missionaries for a number of years now and every one of those envelopes had a check from a friend or a church." I thought to myself: That's a lot of support. While I was glad for them, I wasn't sure where this was going. Then Scott said, "We've been partnering with you for a while now, and I want you to know that if you ever dare to step out by faith to do Cadre full-time, I believe with all my heart God will take care of you."

I don't remember saying anything in response because I had six young kids at the time—and every one of them liked to eat regularly. Plus, I must confess, that I was a member of the "I-will-never-raise-support-to-do-ministry" club. (Have you ever said that?) Yet, I still had brief moments when I considered it. But here's the truth: I was too chicken to trust God to provide. And I loved teaching—and the few benefits that came with it. But in my head, I thought the biggest hurdle would be my wife. I never broached the subject with her, but I was pretty sure she wouldn't go for the raising support thing.

On the way home from Scott and Rachel's, I asked Stacy what she thought about Scott's comments. To my complete surprise she said, "I've seen this coming for a few years now. If we don't take a step of faith and give it try, we'll never know."

Not exactly what I was expecting. The rest of the car ride home all I could think about was how I was the one who refused to step out in faith. I was the roadblock. As I drove home, I silently prayed, "Is all this really you, Lord?" There's a huge difference between a good idea and a God idea.

As we pulled into our driveway, everyone piled out and I walked to the mailbox to get the day's mail. Once inside, I noticed a personal letter. I opened it. It was from someone I couldn't readily identify at the time. It said, "Last Sunday you spoke at our church. God kept impressing on my heart to send you this check. I'm not sure why, but I did it anyway."

Yikes! This was getting a little ridiculous. God was already providing for us and we hadn't even asked anyone for help. But isn't that just like God? If we dare to pray, he'll let us know what to do.

It wasn't long after that, we reached out to our good friends, Dave and Rennie Garda, to share with them what God was doing in our hearts. Not long after that, God birthed what we know now as Cadre Missionaries. And so far, by God's daily provision, we've never looked back. (Thank you Jesus!)  It has been an amazing adventure.

(Dave and Bill about 17 years ago.)

For 16 years, God and YOU have made it possible for us, as Cadre missionaries, to multiply Jesus-like disciplemaking here and around the world. Let me keep this real: For 16 years we've had no buffer financially. Every month is a financial adventure. We're not sitting on a financial nest egg. We literally live month to month. Please don't misunderstand. We're not complaining. We joyfully signed up for this adventure. And for sixteen years, God has provided for us through friends like you. I often think of your financial partnership as manna—just enough for today—and each day it is enough.

From our hearts to yours: Thank you!

If you love Cadre missionaries and our disciplemaking mission, we invite you to be God's wind in our sails.

In honor of our 16th birthday, would you please prayerfully consider donating a special gift of $16?

Those of you who know us well know that over 90 percent of our communications are not about financial support like this. However, on our 16th anniversary as a ministry, we really do need your $ help, so we're asking God's people—like you—to join us in this disciplemaking adventure.

We'd love to see 300 of our friends respond with a special gift of $16. That would bless Cadre with $4,800 much needed dollars.

Will YOU be one of our 300 friends?

To donate $16 securely online, go here. (Other giving options below.)

If you've never financially supported Cadre Missionaries before, this would be a great first step. If you're already a $ partner with God and Cadre, then please prayerfully consider an additional $16.

In a ministry like ours, every dollar makes a huge difference. Each gift—no matter the size—is a huge encouragement, much needed, and greatly appreciated.

Because Cadre seeks to make disciplemakers, only Heaven will reveal the full impact of your partnership.

We really are your Cadre missionaries. Thank you for celebrating 16 years of Jesus-like disciplemaking with us and to God be the glory!

Bill Allison, Executive Director, for the Cadre team.
To donate $16 securely online, go here.
* Mail a check: Cadre Missionaries, PO Box 278, Sycamore, IL 60178

Other giving options...
To give more than $16 securely online, go here.
To support a Cadre missionary on a monthly basis, go here.
* For questions and more info, please call Rennie at 815.501.3132.

Cadre Missionaries is a recognized 501(c)3 not-for-profit ministry and all gifts are tax deductible.

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