Disciplemaking: App or Operating System?

Is disciplemaking just one of many different apps you choose to engage when needed—or is it your operating system—your way of life?

Think about that.

Be honest.

Your answer to that question has HUGE ramifications.

If disciplemaking is simply the flavor of the month until the next cool ministry idea comes down the pike, then it's just another cool app on the smart phone of your life.

But is that okay?

I think not.


Here's why.

If you've got the wrong operating system, then it doesn't really matter how cool your apps are.

To put it another way: To succeed at everything except disciplemaking is to fail.

If you're really interested in making disciplemaking your operating system, this is for you. I dare you.

* Don't confuse that which is sensational with that which is significant.
* More on succeeding at the wrong things.

You, Me, and Coffee Monday... 
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