What God Did in AZ, NV, and UT...

Thank you so much for praying for our disciplemaking mission trip out west to AZ, UT, and NV. And a special THANK YOU to everyone who also $upported this mission trip. God used you via us for his glory! It was a very fruitful time of disciplemaking and making disciplemakers. Check out the photos and stories...

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For 11 days, we had lots of car time (and coffee) together with Derrick Smothers of E3 Connection (on the right) as we traveled through three states of desert. It turns out that Time With (TW) is an essential part of the disciplemaking genius of Jesus. The beautiful thing about our disciplemaking friendship with Derrick is that in the wake of our mission trip, he will continually reach out and reconnect with the folks in the pictures that follow below. This is the real mission of Cadre: to encourage and equip disciplemakers like Derrick!

First stop was Sun Valley Community Church, Tempe, AZ, where our longtime friend, Kyle Glenn, is the campus pastor.

We did The Challenge of Finishing Well training experience at Sun Valley and had a blast. “I am grateful for the encouragement in ministry and in disciplemaking relationships! Thanks Bill and Derrick for leading on Sunday morning, and for training leaders on Sunday evening!” —Pastor Kyle Glenn

Next we did our One-Another training experience at River Valley Bible Church, Mesquite, NV. It’s always a Holy Spirit moment when we take time in our training experiences to connect to each other and God at the same time. We call it, disciplemaking friendships.

We invested good part of a day working with a Gospel-centered ministry right smack in the middle of a 100-year-old polygamous society.

With Pastor Jason McDowell, Mountain View Bible Church, Laverkin, UT. We did the Evangelism Is Relationships training lab with volunteer ministry leaders.

The next day we did The Disciplemaking Genius of Jesus training experience with some of the volunteers ministry leaders at New Hope Community Church, Moapa Valley, NV (Assembly of God). “It was great to study under your ministry today, and to fellowship with you and your wife and daughter. I hope it is okay to use your training material as reference tomorrow as I teach the adult Bible class. Your training is full of good ideas and Scripture.” —Clint, a volunteer ministry leader

A ministry of encouraging small town pastors! That’s what we do on these mission trips. With Pastor Daniel (left) of New Hope Christian Church, Moapa Valley, NV.

The Grace Place is a Gospel-Centered church plant in Ivins, UT, a town that is 90+ percent mormon. They rent a school building on Sundays.

It was my honor to preach at The Grace Place on Sunday.

Pastor Harald and Helga Schwaiger are the church planting couple who started The Grace Place. Yes, Stacy and Helga could be sisters. You should see them together. They not only look alike, they share the same gift of hospitality. The Schwaiger’s have six kids and Ivy didn’t want to leave Utah after she got to know and love the Schwaiger kids. Harald and Helga are originally from Austria and have an amazing God story to tell. It is an honor to partner with them.

Thanks for reading all the way to the end. Your prayers make Cadre possible and powerful—and we thank God for you. We really are your disciplemaking missionaries serving Jesus with Cadre.

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