Why YOU should start praying for your pastor(s)...

As we move toward reopening church services, I would like to suggest you pray often for your pastor(s) and elders. Why? It seems that everyone has an idea about what to do and when—and that their particular idea is the right one. This is going to get very interesting. More here on praying for your pastor and why your pastor needs it now more than ever.

More here if you are so inclined...
Was the "church" ever really "shut down"?
* Is there a "new normal" for the post pandemic church?
* How do we reopen church services?
* Are we seizing the moment?

You, Me, and Coffee Monday...
Let me encourage you and make you think ONE time a week (usually Monday morning) with a virtual Cup O' Joe with Bill in your email inbox. Two Simple Steps...
2. Check your email to confirm.


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