You won't hear about this in the news: Millennials who are changing the world via disciplemaking....

The young man on the left is our dear disciplemaking friend, Braden Nafziger, age 21. He sent me this picture via text and said, “Just started walking through the the Disciplemaker's Living Guide with Scott (the guy on the right), a close disciplemaking friend. I just wanted to thank you for walking me through the Disciplemaker's Living Guide first.” 

I asked Braden, "Where are you?" 

He said, “We're out at Goofy Ridge. I first met Scott through our mutual friend, Pastor Steve Waggoner (a.k.a., Crazy Pastor Steve). Steve opened up the church so Scott would have somewhere to stay because he was homeless. Then one Sunday morning at church, Scott heard Brian Cole's story. God touched Scott's heart, Steve shared the Gospel, and Scott came to Christ. Now we're all disciplemaking friends following Jesus together. Recently, Scott intentionally moved to Goofy Ridge so he could be with us and help the church there.” 

How sweet is all that? Only Jesus!

That’s our mission AND way-of-life: Making disciplemakers who make more disciplemakers—just like Jesus did! It’s the only hope for this country and the world. And only God can make it all happen—because only God can change a heart

The Big Question:
Have we made disciples like Jesus if those we disciple don't make more disciples?

Or more personally...
Where in your life do you currently see disciples making more disciples? I dare you to tell a current three-generation disciplemaking story—and give God all the credit!

What if you can't think of a current three-generation disciplemaking story in your life?


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