Our Summer Disciplemaking Mission Trip: IL, WI, MN, and IA

Midwest Mission Trip: Here We Come!

Why the Midwest this Summer?
Over the years, we've had lots of ministry in the Midwest. However, because of Covid-19, we've not been able to work in these areas very much until recently. Right now, Midwest churches and ministries have opened up. Hence, it seems like a strategic time to strike while the opportunity presents itself in the Midwest. 

What will we be doing?
We'll doing Cadre's disciplemaking training, preaching, and encouraging vocational and volunteer ministry leaders everywhere we go. We'll be at camps, churches, and ministries throughout the Midwest.

Can you help us?

1. Pray for us.
Would you please pray for us RIGHT NOW and throughout the next 15 days?
* For a day-by-day prayer guide, email me.

2. $upport us.
Would you prayerfully consider helping us with expenses for travel and training materials?

If you are willing and able to help us, go here
(Or you can mail a check payable to Cadre Missionaries, PO Box 278, Sycamore, IL 60178. Please attach note: "Allisons." THANK YOU!)

Summer can be a financially challenging time for missionaries like us, so a gift of any size at this time is much needed and deeply appreciated.

If you can't help, we still love you and we're trusting God to provide in some other way.

From our hearts to yours, THANK YOU for every prayer you pray and every penny you give!

We really are your disciplemaking missionaries—and you really are God's wind in our disciplemaking sails!


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