The Challenge of Finishing Well

If you don't plan to finish well, you probably won't.

The Challenge of Finishing Well
is a twenty-eight page interactive booklet that is designed to help you wrestle what it means for you to finish well in God's eyes. It's ideal for small groups, Sunday school, a Saturday morning training experience or retreat.

Think about it.

The spiritual racetrack of life is littered with the broken lives of those who had great starts, were more talented, smarter, stronger, and even more pious than most of us— but for one reason or another—they did NOT finish well. Way too many of us finish poorly like Solomon, the wisest man who ever lived: “As Solomon grew old, his wives turned his heart after other gods, and his heart was not fully devoted to the Lord his God…” (1 Kings 11:4). The danger for us is that "as we grow old," our hearts could grow cold—and we may turn after other gods (including the god of self and comfort). If it can happen to Solomon, it can happen to any of us. But it doesn't have to... if—right now—you'll dare to accept the three Scriptural challenges found in The Challenge of Finishing Well.

For more info on The Challenge of Finishing Well training experience, 

A couple of my friends who finished well!
A true and encouraging legacy of finishing well for the glory of God! 
I will miss the craziness, fun, food, coffee, and—most of all—the sharpening that this 84-year-old friend freely gave to me—and so many others! Thanks for showing me how to finish well. "Well done thou good and faithful servant. Enter into your rest." In memory of Pete Hanssen.

A true and encouraging legacy of finishing well for the glory of God!
Byrdena Schuneman-Baugh passed into the arms of Jesus on May 22, 2022, at 98-years-old. She lovingly referred to us as her kids and we lovingly referred to her as a "mom." In memory of Byrdena Schuneman-Baugh.


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