Fun Christmas Stuff to Share with Others...

Thank YOU so much for tracking with Cup O' Joe with Bill.
I thank God for you.
In the spirit of fun AND Christmas, here are eight fun adventures that range from the seriousness of the Christmas story to just plain ridiculousness.
Enjoy and feel free to share this post with others.
2. It’s NOT a Wonderful Life (video)
3. Did the Real Santa Really Punch a Guy? (true story)
4. How NOT to Tell Your Kids About Saint Nick (true story)
5. Seven Christmas Gifts You Hope You Don’t Get (yikes)
6. Christmas Solos Gone Bad… Real Bad (audio)
7. A Christmas Message for Men Only (video)
8. How You Can Make Cadre's Christmas Merry (serious)
A Merry Cadre Christmas to you and yours from the Allisons, your disciplemaking missionaries serving Jesus with Cadre Missionaries.
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