Why I might be the richest man in the world...

Yep, I celebrated another birthday last Friday, April 23rd. (No age mentioned to protect the aging innocent... me.)

By far, my most favorite birthday present was this 2 minute video my kids made for me.

Thanks Libby for making this video. I cherish it.

Here's a pictorial adventure of some of the special relationships I enjoyed on my birthday this year:

As is tradition in the Allison household, my birthday started with breakfast in bed. Note the sugar and caffeine.

Next was a lunch date with my hot wife.  We went to one of our favorite places.  Can you guess where?

Next was a birthday meeting with my probation officer.  He said I was doing well and my future looks bright.  What a guy.

And then the par-tay at home started.  Brian and Julie stopped by!

Glen and Rita came by for hugs and coffee!

The more coffee the crowd consumed, the more unruly they became.  It was close to getting very ugly.  Almost had to call the police.  Then I brewed some more coffee.  All was well once again.  (If you're a not a coffee drinker, you wouldn't understand what I just wrote.)

A real pastor and his family stopped by to offer spiritual advice to those addicted to coffee.  He spoke from the book of HE-BREWS.

Then we had a couple of people crash the party.  They tried to sneak in... using the young people as a shield.  It worked!  (By "young people" I mean me.)

Some of our neighbors heard we were offering free coffee and chocolate goodies so they stopped by too.  Plus they heard loud rock and roll music and wanted to see if they could sit in with the band.

These good looking folks had to catch a Citi-Link bus to get home.  And they did.

The night ended with more coffee and chocolate... enjoying the God's goodness together.

If wealth and riches are measured in terms of relationships, then I must be the richest man on the planet.  Thank you friends.  And thank you God.


Pheaney said…
Wait. There was free coffee? I'm penciling April 23rd into my calendar for the next 20 years. (Assuming you live that long BA?)
Bill Allison said…
Dude... you were invited. And if I die before next year, it serves you right : )
Jennifer said…
Aww, I love the video your kids made! Sweet. =)

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