Simple. Profound. But Not Obvious.

A true story….

A small group of youth pastors gathered together for their monthly network meeting. The newest and youngest youth pastor asked the more experienced youth pastors, "What youth ministry resources would you recommend to me as I get started?"

The must-read book suggestions came fast and furious as the more experienced youth leaders pitched their favorite ministry books to the newbie.  The young youth pastor fervently scribbled down the titles. This went on until the list was quite long.

When the book suggestions finally slowed down long enough for everyone to catch a breath, one youth leader, previously quiet, simply said, "Or, you can study the Gospels, take note of how Jesus did ministry and try to do what He did."

Simple. Profound. But not obvious.

Our extraordinary passion for the newest, coolest books makes me wonder if we really believe the Bible is enough.

There. I said it.

* For a little more on Jesus-like disciplemaking, go here.

Parting shot: “We have now sunk to the depth that the restatement of the obvious is the first duty of intelligent men.” —George Orwell


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