A life worth living—and multiplying to others...

"Those who claim to live in God should live their lives as Jesus did." 
—1 John 2:6

Now that's a life worth living—and multiplying to others.

Because of friends like you who pray for us and $ partner with Cadre Ministries, we get to strategically invest our lives infecting people across the country and around the world with a Jesus-like disicplemaking way of life!

And look at what God is doing...

Here's an email we got from our friend who works with Moody Bible Institute's Distance Learning Program: "I had such an incredible response to your book, Disciplemaker’s Guide to Grow, Minister and Lead from the students in my Moody leadership course. Some students in Australia needed to take a two hour independent study on Christian Education. They loved the Disciplemaker's Guide! They said the book addressed the issues they were wrestling with in their church. Thanks for your partnership in ministry for all of these years! Thanks for all that you’ve poured into our lives! Thanks for letting me share Cadre resources with people around the world so that the Body of Christ can be better equipped to love and serve Jesus and the world around us! —Andrew Beaty 

How cool is that? Thank you God!

We couldn't do this without you. That's not an overstatement. It's a fact. So...

Thank you!

As you read the stories and view the pictures below, please thank God and celebrate how He is using YOU through our lives and ministry to make an eternal difference in the lives of others.

And here's the real kicker: Only Heaven will reveal the ripple effect of your investment—because Cadre aims to make disciplemakers

The best way to view the images below is to go here. Or you can click any image below to enlarge for viewing, reading, and praying.
Might you be interested in being a part of our prayer team? We are missionaries with Cadre Ministries. About 2-3 times a month, I'd like to send you a short email with details about how you can say a quick prayer for us. If you are willing to say a quick prayer for us 2-3 times a month, please email me and put "prayer team" in the subject line. THANKS!
We need you. We couldn't take any of part of this Jesus-like disciplemaking adventure without people like you who love us, pray for us, and give to Cadre. We need you. You make our ministry powerful and possible. Every expression of partnership breathes life into our souls… and enables us to do the same for many others! For more information about how you can partner with God, the Allisons, and Cadre Ministries, go here. To make a secure online tax-deductible donation, go here.  Cadre Ministries is a recognized 501(c)3 ministry.

* For up-to-date ways to pray for us, go here.

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